Deepfake Software Mac

Deepfake AI technology will be applied to bring the face transplant effect with high realism. Thousands of clips of famous people to choose from The app provides thousands of videos for you to. FakeApp, like most face-swapping software, is based on the original implementation provided by the Reddit user deepfakes. There are other softwares available, such as faceswap on GitHub), but FakeApp remains the most accessible one due to its friendly interface. Whichever application you are going to use, make sure to download it from an.

  • Deep Fake mac software. When most people hear the term 'deepfake' they automatically think of something NSFW. Let's adjust that stigma. This subreddit is.
  • When most people hear the term 'deepfake' they automatically think of something NSFW. Let's adjust that stigma. This subreddit is dedicated to SFW machine learning and other DF resources, including audio deepfakes.
  • Faceswap is a free and open source deepfake app. It’s powered by Tensorflow, Keras, and Python, and can be used for learning and training purposes.

Since the inception of deepfakes, lawmakers and security analysts have warned the public about how these eerily realistic clips can lead to exploitation, misinformation, and manipulation across the web. But what if people are bored during quarantine and want to play make-believe with their very own faces? A programmer named Ali Aliev is using open source code through the 'First Order Motion Model for Image Animation' for his own program Avatarify, Motherboard reports.

The face-swap technology allows the user to impose anyone else's face on their own — with the bonus that it can be done in real-time on any Zoom or Skype video call. For his own part, Aliev has successfully tried being Elon Musk in a call with his buddies.

Endless possibilities — In a YouTube demo uploaded on April 8, Aliev noted that Avatarify has 'a neural network [...] that requires a GPU to run smoothly.' It isn't working so well for Mac users right now, but Aliev notes that streamlining it to other operating systems is one of his future projects. Those who can run Avatarify alongside Zoom or Skype, he says in his video, can become anyone from Einstein to Eminem, Steve Jobs to Mona Lisa.

Umm cool, but why — It seems to have started out as some innocuous fun. According to Aliev, his plan was to play pranks on his friends. In a comment to Motherboard, Aliev explained:

I ran [the First Order Model] on my PC and was surprised by the result. What’s important, it worked fast enough to drive an avatar real-time. Developing a prototype was a matter of a couple of hours and I decided to make fun of my colleagues with whom I have a Zoom call each Monday. And that worked. As they are all engineers and researchers, the first reaction was curiosity and we soon began testing the prototype.

The programmer says that Avatarify is intended to provide entertainment, and requires 'a powerful gaming PC' to work. But the program could go mainstream as it gradually becomes optimized for laptops. Aliev says that it's 'just a matter of time.'

Deepfakes combined with Zoombombing — Aliev's intentions might be in the right place — a little fun never hurt anyone under a lockdown — but with hackers Zoombombing remote work and school sessions, politicians able to buy ads saying whatever they want on Facebook, and plenty of Americans and Russian's willing to use whatever means necessary to ensure Trump gets re-elected, Avatarify could easily be used for nefarious ends. Fortunately, for the time being at least, it can't fake a voice. But that's likely just a matter of time, too.

Easy Deepfake Tutorial: DeepFaceLab 2.0 Quick96


Wondering how to make deepfakes? This easy tutorial will have you creating deepfakes in just a few hours! We’ll start with DeepFaceLab 2.0 Quick96, a preset training model that is easy to use on most computers that have Windows and an NVIDIA GPU. By the end of this deepfake guide you will be familiar with the basic deepfake process and ready to move on to more advanced projects!


Scroll down to the section labeled ‘Releases’. You can select the torrent magnet link or download from Mega users can right-click on the file, select download, then standard download.

Once your download is complete you can double-click on the .exe file or use your favorite zip program to extract. There is no setup for DeepFaceLab. Once the files are extracted the installation is complete.

Deepfake software for mac

Open the folder labeled DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA. Here you will see a couple of folders and several batch files used in the deepfake process. For this tutorial we will only be using 9 of these files.

Deep Fake Software Mac

First let’s have a look at the workspace folder. In this directory you will see 3 more folders which will hold our images and trained model files. The 2 video files include data_src (our source video) and data_dst (our destination video). Click back to the main folder and we’ll get started with the deepfake.

Free deepfake software

Deepfake Software Mac

Deep fake software mac

Throughout this tutorial we will be using DeepFaceLab’s default settings by pressing Enter or Return when asked for input.

Double-click on the file labeled ‘2) extract images from video data_src’ and press enter a few times to use the default values. The video file will be processed and a .png file for each frame will be created. Press any key or simply close the window.

Do the same for data_dst using the file ‘3) extract images from video data_dst FULL FPS’ with default values.

Now we’ll process the images and extract the faces to be used in our deepfake. Double-click the file ‘4) data_src faceset extract’ and use the default values. After a few minutes the extraction will complete and give you a report on the number of images found and faces detected.

Do the same for data_dst using the file ‘5) data_dst faceset extract’.

After extraction we can view the source and destination facesets using the files ‘4.1) data_src view aligned result’ and ‘data_dst view aligned results’ respectively. Here we can remove unwanted faces from the project but for now we will be using all the images. Close the image viewer.

It is now time to begin training our deepfake model. Double-click the file labeled ‘6) train Quick96.bat’. Again, we will use the default settings. The software will load all our images files and attempt to run the first iteration of our training. If it is successful, then the training preview window will open. If the trainer fails to run, then you will need to try CPU only training which is not covered in this video.

Let’s take a moment to look at the preview window. At the top we have some keyboard commands. Below that a graph indicating the accuracy of our training, and a preview of our model images.

Press the P key to update the preview window and notice the graph and images change. These lines represent loss values that will approach zero over time, so the lower the line the better the results will be. You can see these same values represented as numbers in the command window.

The image preview has several columns showing our source and destination images being processed. In the last column we can see the current progress of our deepfake faceset. Use this preview window to decide when you want to end the training. Press Enter to save the model and exit.

Now that our training is complete, we can merge the faces and create our final deepfake video.

Start by running ‘7) merge Quick96’ and press Enter a few times to load the default settings. In the merger window you will see a map of keyboard commands. For this tutorial we will only be using a few of these commands.

Press the Tab key to switch between the preview window and the keyboard map. If you see a black preview just use the > key to advance to the first frame. You will notice the current frame number and settings displayed in the command window. Use the W and S keys to change the erode mask value to 20, noticing how the border around the face contracts. Next use the E and D keys to raise the blur mask value to 100.

Now we apply these setting to the rest of our frames by pressing the Shift and / keys simultaneously. Finally, we process the remaining frames by pressing the Shift and > keys. Once the merger reaches 100 percent, we can close both windows.

The last part of this process is to merge our new deepfake frames into a video file with our destination audio. Double-click the file labeled ‘8) merged to mp4.bat’ and press Enter to begin processing. Close the window when merging is done.

Finally we are ready to view our deepfake video. Navigate to the workspace folder and you will see a couple new files. Play the file labeled ‘result.mp4’. Congratulations! You have successfully created a deepfake!