Download Ui Automator Viewer

UI Automator Viewer also helps you to examine your UI in different orientations. For example, just change your device orientation to In the example, the @SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = 18) statement helps to ensure that tests will only run on devices with Android 4.3 (API level 18) or higher, as required by the UI Automator framework. While designing your UI automation suite, this tool is very helpful as it exposes the Id and other attributes of an element, which is needed for writing scripts. Once the android sdk path is set on the machine, open the terminal and type. Uiautomatorviewer and this would launch the UI inspection tool. Download 07: Podcast Actions v1.0. These Automator actions can be used to help create podcasts: Export Garageband Project - This action will export the current GarageBand project to iTunes. The result will be a reference to the new iTunes track. This action requires UI Scripting support be active. This will open UI Automator Viewer window as displayed below. Sdkmanager -list if you see some local repositories are getting download, That means everything is. Selenium, Appium, Cucumber and more!!! Search this website. UIAutomatorViewer – Inspect mobile elements. July 5, 2017 by anish 15 Comments by anish 15.

Edit this Doc The UiAutomator Driver for Android

Appium's older support for automating Android apps is via the UiAutomatordriver. (New to Appium? Read our introduction to Appium drivers).This driver leverages Google'sUiAutomatortechnology to launch automation sessions on a device.

Development of the UiAutomator driver happens at theappium-android-driverrepo.

We recommend you upgrade to the UiAutomator2 Driverand use that driver instead, since this driver will not be supported movingforward.

Requirements and Support

In addition to Appium's general requirements:

  • Java 7 installed and configured correctly for your platform
  • Mac, Windows, or Linux OS with the ability to run the Android SDK


Download Ui Automator Viewer Software

The way to start a session using the UiAutomator driver is to include theplatformNamecapability in your new session request, withthe value Android. Of course, you must also include appropriateplatformVersion, deviceName, and app capabilities, at a minimum. In thecase of this driver, for Appium versions below 1.14.0 no automationNamecapability should be used, while for version 1.14.0 and above the automationNameshould be set to UiAutomator1.

It is highly recommended to also set the appPackage and appActivitycapabilities in order to let Appium know exactly which package and activityshould be launched for your application. Otherwise, Appium will try todetermine these automatically from your app manifest.

Download Ui Automator Viewer Download


The UiAutomator driver supports a number of standard Appiumcapabilities, but has an additionalset of capabilities that modulate the behavior of the driver. These can befound currently at the Androidsection of theaforementioned doc.

For web tests, to automate Chrome instead of your own application, leave theapp capability empty and instead set the browserName capability toChrome. Note that you are responsible for ensuring that Chrome is on theemulator/device, and that it is of a version compatible with Chromedriver.


To see the various commands Appium supports, and specifically for informationon how the commands map to behaviors for the UiAutomator driver, see the APIReference.


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Given that the setup instructions for this driver and the newer UiAutomator2Driver are identical, please refer to the system, emulator, and device setupinstructions on the UiAutomator2Driver doc.