Mysql Jdbc Driver

Table of Contents


Download a JDBC driver for MySQL (for example, the Connector/J driver). If the file that you downloaded is in an archive format (for example,.zip,.tar.gz, and so on), extract its contents. Copy the.jar file from the extracted contents to a location on your hard disk drive.

  1. The driver fully supports the MySQL database functionality and enables other applications to connect to the database. The connector uses a JDBC driver for retrieving information from the database.
  2. The class name is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver for version 5.1.6. Click on Test Class just to make sure that you have correctly set up the access to the connector as detailed above. If the connector has been set up correctly, you will get a message that says The JDBC driver was loaded correctly. Now click on Next.
  3. MySQL Connector/J is the official JDBC driver for MySQL. MySQL Connector/J 8.0 is compatible with all MySQL versions starting with MySQL 5.6. Additionally, MySQL Connector/J 8.0 supports the new X DevAPI for development with MySQL Server 8.0.

Mysql Jdbc Driver Free

Mysql Jdbc DriverClass
Preface and Legal Notices
1 Overview of MySQL Connector/J
2 Compatibility with MySQL and Java Versions
3 What's New in Connector/J 8.0?
4 Connector/J Installation
4.1 Installing Connector/J from a Binary Distribution
4.2 Installing Connector/J Using Maven
4.3 Installing from Source
4.4 Upgrading from an Older Version
4.4.1 Upgrading to MySQL Connector/J 8.0
4.5 Testing Connector/J
5 Connector/J Examples
6 Connector/J Reference
6.1 Driver/Datasource Class Name
6.2 Connection URL Syntax
6.3 Configuration Properties
6.3.1 Authentication
6.3.2 Connection
6.3.3 Session
6.3.4 Networking
6.3.5 Security
6.3.6 Statements
6.3.7 Prepared Statements
6.3.8 Result Sets
6.3.9 Metadata
6.3.10 BLOB/CLOB processing
6.3.11 Datetime types processing
6.3.12 High Availability and Clustering
6.3.13 Performance Extensions
6.3.14 Debugging/Profiling
6.3.15 Exceptions/Warnings
6.3.16 Tunes for integration with other products
6.3.17 JDBC compliance
6.3.18 X Protocol and X DevAPI
6.4 JDBC API Implementation Notes
6.5 Java, JDBC, and MySQL Types
6.6 Handling of Date-Time Values
6.6.1 Preserving Time Instants
6.6.2 Fractional Seconds
6.7 Using Character Sets and Unicode
6.8 Connecting Securely Using SSL
6.9 Connecting Using Unix Domain Sockets
6.10 Connecting Using Named Pipes
6.11 Connecting Using PAM Authentication
6.12 Using Source/Replica Replication with ReplicationConnection
6.13 Support for DNS SRV Records
6.14 Mapping MySQL Error Numbers to JDBC SQLState Codes
7 JDBC Concepts
7.1 Connecting to MySQL Using the JDBC DriverManager Interface
7.2 Using JDBC Statement Objects to Execute SQL
7.3 Using JDBC CallableStatements to Execute Stored Procedures
7.4 Retrieving AUTO_INCREMENT Column Values through JDBC
8 Connection Pooling with Connector/J
9 Multi-Host Connections
9.1 Configuring Server Failover for Connections Using JDBC
9.2 Configuring Server Failover for Connections Using X DevAPI
9.3 Configuring Load Balancing with Connector/J
9.4 Configuring Source/Replica Replication with Connector/J
9.5 Advanced Load-balancing and Failover Configuration
10 Using the X DevAPI with Connector/J: Special Topics
10.1 Connection Compression Using X DevAPI
10.2 Schema Validation
11 Using the Connector/J Interceptor Classes
12 Using Logging Frameworks with SLF4J
13 Using Connector/J with Tomcat
14 Using Connector/J with Spring
14.1 Using JdbcTemplate
14.2 Transactional JDBC Access
14.3 Connection Pooling with Spring
15 Troubleshooting Connector/J Applications
16 Known Issues and Limitations
17 Connector/J Support
17.1 Connector/J Community Support
17.2 How to Report Connector/J Bugs or Problems

Mysql Jdbc Driver Name

  1. Download the desired version of MySQL Connector/J from the MySQL download site.
  2. Extract the JDBC driver JAR file.
    For example: mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar.
  3. Place the JAR file in the ColdFusion Class Path:
    • Server Configuration: Place the mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar incf_root/wwwroot/WEB-INF/lib
    • J2EE Configuration: Place the mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar incf_web_root/WEB-INF/lib
  4. Use the ColdFusion MX Administrator Data Sources page to add a new data source for the MySQL Connector:
    For example:
    1. Name the data source MySQL_test when it will connect to the test database.
      Note: There is a test database installed by default in the MySQL server.
    2. Select Other in the driver field to tell ColdFusion you will describe another type of driver.
    3. Click Add to add the data source and display the default driver window for this driver.
  5. Enter the following in the JDBC URL field:
    Where localhost is the name of the database server.
    Where 3306 is the port number for the data source connection.
    Where test is the database name.
    Note: The information in this field is case-sensitive.
  6. Enter the following in the Driver Class field:
    Note: The information in this field is case-sensitive.
  7. Enter a valid username and password in the Username and Password fields.
    Where the username and password are defined as user account information on the database server.
  8. (Optional) Enter the name of the driver in the Driver Name field.
  9. Click submit to apply the changes to the data source.